5 SIMPLE Ideas to Help You De-Stress During the Holidays
It goes without saying that this is a very busy and for most people, a very stressful time of year. Most of us are spinning a lot of plates so when it comes to the holidays, we are still continuing on with all of our usual obligations and responsibilities yet in addition to all of that, we are juggling holiday preparation, shopping, cooking, decorating, baking, parties, etc. In addition, it seems to be a time where there is a lot of emotional stress being felt. For those who have lost loved ones or who are in challenging relationships or stressful financial situations, this time of year seems to amplify those emotions and also tends to create a ‘collective consciousness’ where we are picking up on everyone else’s frenetic energy too. The overwhelming amount of stress can certainly take what should be a joyous time of year and make it into a time that many people dread and who are desperately looking forward to a fresh, new year. And for those who absolutely love the holiday season, although fun and festive, it still can take its toll and cause us to feel tired and run down.
This time of year especially, we need to de-stress. Here are 5 simple ideas to keep in mind to help you to de-stress during the holiday season.
1. Schedule one or two 15-minute blocks of time each day, to sit or lie down, take a deep breath and intentionally RELAX!
Whether it’s sitting and staring out the window, laying down for a quick power nap or taking a hot bath with some Epsom salts or lavender oil, take that time for yourself to breathe, re-group and de-stress. If you think you don’t have a 15-minute block of time for yourself then you need to take a closer look at how you are operating your life and your daily method of operation.
2. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
So much of our stress load is self-imposed. We worry about things that just aren’t always worth worrying about. Keep that in mind and remember that before you even blink your eyes, the holiday season will be over with another year gone. Stay present and enjoy every moment and be mindful of what is important and meaningful. Let the small stuff be the small stuff.
3. Focus on gratitude.
Rather than be caught up in your to-do list and worrying about getting everything done, put your attention on all of the things in your life, big or small, that you can appreciate and be grateful for. Focus on what the holidays really mean and feel gratitude for the positive people in your life who you love and care about and who love and care about you.
4. Keep up with your healthy habits.
Choosing healthy foods, daily supplements, avoiding too much sugar and alcohol, regular exercise, adequate sleep, proper hydration, etc. are all especially important during this time of year. Keep your health on the top of your priority list!
5. Make sure to have fun!
Bring fun and laughter into your day. Keep it all as light and carefree as possible. If you’re not having fun, then you’re doing something wrong. Don’t take everything so seriously. Enjoy yourself and remember to laugh, be joyful and have FUN!
If you are looking to change your life a lot of it has to do with your mindset. Download our free guide: The 7 Simple Mindset Habits to Life Your Best Life Now to learn our secrets to achieving a mindset that leads to whole life transformation.”